
Words Can Heal
Words Can Heal is a national campaign to eliminate verbal violence,
curb gossip and promote the healing power of words to enhance relationships
at every level.
At a time when so many feel that outside events are beyond their
control, we offer concrete tools and know-how to dramatically rebuild
our communities and relationships through the words we speak and the
way we communicate. At a time of national crisis, as we re-evaluate
our lives and re-order priorities, the Words Can Heal message resonates
even more forcefully. You can read more about Words Can Heal at www.wordscanheal.org.
World Congress of Christians, Jews and Muslims
The mission of the World Congress of
Christians, Jews and Muslims is to harness the spiritual power and
religious wisdom of these faiths in the service of universal peace
and tolerance. Toward that end, we bring together inspiring, influential
religious leaders and committed private sector elites to set a common
agenda promoting the sanctity of human life and religious reconciliation
through respect and freedom, even when they grapple with the thorniest
issues facing humanity, including religious extremism, terrorism,
oppression, prejudice and hate. You can read more about thethe World
Congress of Christians, Jews and Muslims at: www.wccjm.com